The Goals of the Conservancy Corp.
The Conservancy Corp. was organized to help in the evolution of scientific, technological and social progress by addressing issues facing humanity and the environment in which we all live in. We are dedicated to eliminating xenophobia, racism, structural violence and inequality by working to promote, protect, and support environmental and human rights globally. We seek to move our Civilization from it's current state to that of a Type 1 Civilization on the Kardashev civilization scale in a spiritually holistic way. We stand by the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and support UN Agenda 2030.
What is Structural Violence?
Structural violence refers to systematic ways in which social structures harm or otherwise disadvantage individuals. Institutionalized adultism, ageism, classism, elitism, ethnocentrism, nationalism, speciesism, racism, and sexism are some examples of structural violence. Structural violence is a high cause of premature death and unnecessary disability. Because structural violence affects people differently in various social structures, it is linked to social injustice. Structural violence and direct violence are highly interdependent, including family violence, gender violence, hate crimes, racial violence, police violence, state violence, terrorism, and social and economic inequality.
What is the Kardashev Civilization Scale?
The Kardashev Civilization scale is a hypothetical scale by which civilizations advance technologically, measured by the methods and quantities of energy they are able to harvest. Currently, we fall somewhere between type 0 and type 1.
A Type 0 Civilization is one that has yet to harness all of the energy output of it's planet. It is a Civilization still utilizing unsustainable energy sources like fossil fuels.
A Type 0 Civilization is one that has yet to harness all of the energy output of it's planet. It is a Civilization still utilizing unsustainable energy sources like fossil fuels.
What is a Type 1 Civilization?
A Type 1 Civilization on the Kardashev scale can harness and store all of the energy from its home planet. We haven’t quite achieved this level yet, but it is believed we will probably reach it soon. Many consider humans to be somewhere around .07 or .08 on the scale.
The Goals
Becoming a Type 1 Civilization is not just about harnessing the planets energy. In order to progress we will have to make the necessary changes in our society to foster and develop the science, techniques, abilities systems and stability for this progress to happen. We must advance our social, political and economic systems in order to cultivate the environment needed to produce the innovation and advancement so desperately needed. Tolerance and respect for our planet and all those who inhabit it must become the norm. We should strive to be individuals, but still seeing ourselves as part of the whole. The United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDG's are a great start on that path to ensure that the most vulnerable among us are as safe as the strongest among us and we are proud to support it through our efforts.